Informatics research methods in medicine


Modeling is one of the main methods that speeds up the technical process and also helps to shorten the time for mastering new processes. Today, computer science is increasingly called the science of models. A model is a material or ideal object, which is created to study the original object and which reflects the most important qualities of the original. The process of creating models is modeling. Models are divided into material and ideal. Material models are photographs, models of neighborhoods, etc. Ideal models are characterized by a sign form. Information modeling belongs to the class of sign modeling. Real concepts can be replaced by any mathematical objects, which are marked on paper or in computer memory. Models can also be dynamic and static. In dynamic models the time factor is taken into account, and in static models behavior of the simulated object in dependence on time is not taken into account. So, modeling is a method of studying objects, in which instead of the original, an experiment is carried out on the model, and the results are extended to the original. There are two main rules to the process of modeling.

First, it is necessary that the experiment on the model should be simpler and faster than the real experiment. This is done in order to consider the effects of the experience in a short amount of time. And if necessary, change any parameters, to follow the desired result.

Second, you need to learn all the rules by which the parameters of the original are calculated from the model test. Without this rule, even the most thorough study can fail.

Biometry is one of the sections of biology that contains the planning and processing of the results of experiments and observations thanks to information statistics. When conducting biological experiments and observations, the scientist is always dealing with variations in the frequency of occurrence or degree of manifestation of various traits and properties. It follows that without statistical analysis it is usually impossible to decide what are the possible limits of random fluctuations of the studied quantity and whether the observed differences between variants of experiments are random or reliable. Information-statistical methods that are used in biology are developed sometimes independently of biological research, but more often in connection with tasks arising in biology and medicine.

To illustrate this, let’s look at an example from life, to make sure that informatics is really a part of the medical sciences. There is such a profession as a clinician. His specialty is working with a database in a hospital or other medical facility. His main task is to sort, monitor, and make quality use of information in the health care delivery system. In the clinical diagnosis, the physician records all information as a result of the analysis and evaluation of information about the biological qualities and individual health of the patient.

Much of the medical data is stored in various documents. These documents can include: medical history, research papers, test results, prescriptions for medications, medical facility reports, abstracts, medical journal articles, etc. But in the 21st century, these documents are used less and less often in paper versions. Every year, doctors are stuffing these documents onto hospital servers, where every doctor can find, for example, a patient’s medical history in an instant. This saves a lot of time, since he does not have to search the shelves, among other documents, for the records he needs.

A medical document has a complex structure: a large number of different sections, items, tables, etc. They take the form of standardized medical histories, charts of staged epicrises, and passports of health care institutions. As these documents have a certain form and internal structure, which reflects the structure, connection and the way of interaction of parts of the elements of the object or phenomenon, information about which is recorded and maintained in this document. A specialist must be able to correctly fill out these forms of medical documents for quality and accurate work.

If we look from the patient’s side, the benefits of information technology can be seen when making an appointment with a doctor. Not so long ago, people went to the doctor’s office without appointments or coupons. You had to get up early, drive to the hospital, and sit in line. People would sit for hours just to get into the office. But today we can already see electronic terminals that issue coupons to doctors. This step made it easier to visit specialists. No more waiting in line, waking up early, just come to the hospital, walk up to the terminal, barcode your medical policy under the laser and choose a convenient time for you.